Banana Eating Incident
The Banana Eating Incident
When Leo was a child, he was at his grandmother's house. His grandma had just gotten a fresh bunch of bananas and left them on the counter. She told Leo before going off to take a nap that he could have as many bananas as he wanted. When she returned from her nap she noticed that all the bananas were gone. She asked Leo where the bananas had gone and he told her that she said he could have as many bananas as he wanted so he ate all of them.
Leo Babauta (black shirt) pictured many years after The Banana Eating Incident. To this day he still holds the same love for bananas that he had as a child.
The Banana Eating incident is an extremely important character defining moment in Leo's life. Most people, when presented with an entire bunch of bananas, would eat maybe one or two at most. But Leo Babauta is not most people.